You climb into your Ford Escape like you would on any ordinary day, but you notice that something is wrong... Your engine light may be on, you get a no start, or your wipers and lights are going crazy so you take your car to the nearest auto repair shop to find out what is wrong with it. 

Your mechanic advises you that a specific electronic control unit (ECU) needs to be replaced. He will have to order a 6L8A-12A650-XA or 6L8A-12A650-XB engine control module (see image below) for your 2006 Ford Escape. And then he tells you the news you’ve been dreading to hear; this unexpected circumstance will be a costly repair if you want him to install a brand new ECU purchased directly from the dealership.

After the sticker shock of a new unit, he lets you know that there are other options. You can buy a Used or Reman electronic control unit.

What should you do?

Buy used at $200? Buy Reman from AutoECMs at $375? Or Buy from the Dealer at $850? You’re probably liking the sound of $200 as the cost for a used part, but your mechanic tells you that the part is sold as is, no warranty.

You don’t know if you are buying a part that is in the same trouble as your current piece or not, and you may be stuck with a faulty part that can’t be returned. Now you’re delayed from getting your Escape back on the road.

What do you do?

First of all, don’t get yourself into this situation. When you buy from AutoECMs, you can be confident that you are getting an electronic control unit which will work well in your car. We have checks and balances in place to ensure you are getting a quality refurbished part. And, we offer same day shipping so your mechanic can begin repairs on your car as soon as possible.

On the outside chance you find that our part stops working due to normal wear and tear within a year of purchase, we will send you a no-cost to you replacement unit to arrive the following day.

Also, AutoECMs keeps in mind that mechanics are human and sometimes misdiagnose car issues. AutoECMs will refund the full cost of the car ecu less a $75 restocking fee and shipping and handling costs you incurred returning our unit.


Let us save you time and money with the security of knowing you will be getting a quality, warrantied control module from us.

Please call or email AutoECMs and we will gladly assist you with your purchase.


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